Saturday, 28 April 2012

Crazy few Days!!

Lillys first Birthday!!
Well Lillys birthday was a crazy day, the night before my mum and dad put up her tricycle, which took them over two hours it was sooo funny watching them do it, then I had to blow up all the balloons and put her banners up, and wrap her presents, (not very good a wrapping presents so they looked terrible haha).. I organised everything so when she came downstairs all she saw was presents and Minnie Mouse haha!! She's been waking up every morning at 6:30 then the morning of her birthday she decides to wake up at 9:30 the morning I want her to wake up early she gets up late, I was soo excited and she wouldn't wake up, well when she finally woke up, I gave her a bottle and her weetabix, She looked so excited seeing Minnie Mouse everywhere, I put her in her ball pit, and she loved it :) then on her tricycle which she loved even more!! Then we opened her presents, she got bored after 5 minutes and wanted to play with the stuff she had already opened so I carried on, and she got rather intrigued in what I was doing so came back and helped, she was very spoilt, after we opened her presents I let her play with everything, whilst I got ready, and so my mum and dad could play with her.. I then got her ready and we went to her grandma Debbies :) (whilst I left my mum and nanna to do all the party food haha) she was very spoilt there to, she didnt no what to play with first bless her, then Stacey and Maicie-Rae came Lilly loved her, was very careful around her as well :) when we got back home there was already some of the family here for her party, so she had more presents to open, i think she was sick of waiting to play with what ever was inside and ripped them to shreds, it was such a fun party all my closest family and friends was there :) it was a brilliant day/night couldn't of asked for a better first birthday for her, she loved playing with all the other kids, and even more that she could walk around like everyone else :) she stayed up way past her bedtime and started getting cranky so had to put her to bed, but we kept partying hahaha! it was a very hectic day but it was brilliant!!!

The next day...
We didn't do much the next day, she played with all her toys and we had a lazy day, nobody could be bothered to do anything even Lilly was tired, she still was stuck for choice to what to play with.. we was that lazy we got a take away, let Lilly have chicken nuggets and chips, she loved it.. but wont be making a habit of that. We all went to bed very early and Lilly slept through for the first time in a while :) kinda hoping she does tonight :D...

Frankie & Bennys and Asda!

Today me and her auntie Sammy and auntie Vikki took her to Frankie & Bennys, she loved it!! She ate loads as well haha, she behaved didn't cry or scream or paddy.. she was laughing and playing and being her funny little self, she had me in stitches at one point dancing away with a bread stick, she loves garlic bread and bread sticks she ate loads of them.. when we got home we decided to take her out properly on her tricycle so we took her to Asda, she loved it.. got her loads round Asda, some new pjs, and shoes some meals and pull ups (don't no how there going to go down with the bobs) on the way home we thought she kept going to sleep but she was just being a weirdo haha! she kept laying back then forward then stretching to the side, was really funny.. when we got home she had a bit of a paddy so gave her, her tea (chicken vegetable pasta) she ate most of it but was more interested with squishing it in her hands haha!! I put her new pjs on and she fell asleep pretty much straight away.. tomorrow she's at her other birthday party, and I'm at work :( I think tomorrow with all the excitement will tire her out, so she may have a good night again, she's such a spoilt little princess :)

So we've had a few crazy days, for me when i get home from work tomorrow I'm planning to have a long nap!! haha... I think the only thing that could have made it better, was if John was here :( its so lame that he couldn't be back for her birthday, but I no he tried to get back, so that's all I  can ask for, we will have to have a late birthday party when he's next back hahaha! so that's 3 birthday party's! SPOILT ;)
write again soon :)

All her presents :)

Her new Pyjamas :) 

On her new Tricycle :)

Lilly Paying for the meal ;)

Lilly picking something to eat off the Menu :)

Lillys amazing cake, made by her auntie Vikki
& Auntie Sammy :)

Lilly in her new Ball Pit :)

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